INAE-NAEK Workshop

INAE-NAEK Workshop

We review the current state of technology and key issues in areas of mutual concern, such as advanced materials and aerospace industry, to foster further collaboration between Korean and Indian researchers.


  • Identify trends in technological innovation in Korea and India and discover research and industrial cooperation areas


  • Review technology status and major issues focusing on key areas such as high-tech materials that are of interest to the two countries and enable various technological exchanges, and reflect them in the formulation of future policies and strategies
  • Attempts to integrate with fields such as advanced materials and materials technology, telecommunications, medical life sciences, aerospace engineering, defense, and environmental engineering

Activity content


- Consultation on detailed topics and schedules through the International Cooperation Committee

- Consultation and coordination with the Indian Academy of Engineering

- Preparation and presentation of the Joint Statement of the Korea-Indian Academy of Engineering after the workshop is held

  • Title
  • There is no history.